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When do you use …んです?


Have you ever heard the expression ‘...んです (ndesu)’ in Japanese dramas and anime? If you have studied Japanese, you may have already been exposed to it.🤔

Context: A friend has a bandage on her/his arm.

A: どうしたんですか?😳 What's wrong.

B: きのう、かいだんで ころんだんです。😭 I fell down the stairs yesterday.

The phrase ‘...んです (ndesu)’ is typically used when giving an explanation, providing additional context, or emphasizing the reason behind something‼️

‘...んです (ndesu)’ is frequently used in Japanese conversation, but in some cases its use can be unnatural.

Context: A friend asks about a simple fact.

A: いま、なんじですか? What time is it?

B: 3じなんです。 It is three o'clock.

In this situation, B's use of ‘...んです (ndesu)’ is unnatural because the question from A simply asks for a factual answer—the current time. No explanation or context is needed; A just wants to know the time.🕒

A more natural response would be “3じです(Meaning also It is three o’clock.)”, which directly answers the question without implying there is more context or an underlying reason for the answer. Using ‘...んです (ndesu)’ here makes it sound as though B is implying there's something special or unusual about the fact that it's 3 o'clock, which is unnecessary and slightly confusing in this context.🤨

Some other things to look at.

Japanese: すしを たべますか。 Do you eat sushi?

You: はい、❌たべるんです! Yes, I do!


Japanese: うちは どちらですか。 Where is your home??

You: ❌べドックなんです!  It’s in Bedok!


Both of the above do not need to emphasise the answer and remain simple.🖐️

In summary, ‘...んです (ndesu)’ is an expression used when there is a premise, and as a result of seeing and hearing it. For example situations such as these situations in the speaker’s mind.

1. A situation that makes you want to tell/ask about the person with some personal feelings

2. A situation that I want to talk about myself more

Therefore, it is an indispensable expression to improve your Japanese conversation 😁🇯🇵



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