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◉The difference between「ために」and「ように」

Are you struggling with using 「ために」and「ように」?

Although 「ために」 and 「ように」 are expressions used to express purpose or goal, there are subtle differences in usage.🤲

The easiest way to decide which to use is to consider whether the statement is talking about a goal you want to achieve or something you are worried about. This criteria is not a silver bullet, but it is very useful indeed.👍

Here are some examples.

[ために] N3に合格するために、毎日勉強します。(I will study every day to pass N3.) お金持ちになるために、一生懸命働きます。(I work hard to become rich.) 将来のために、お金をためます。(I will save money for my future.)

[ように] 朝起きられるように、目覚まし時計をセットします。(I set my alarm clock so I can get up in the morning.) 試験の時間にまにあうように、早くうちを出ます。(I leave home early to be on time for exams.) 病気にならないように、しっかり休みます。(I rest well to avoid getting sick.)

But why is the case? It is because you need to use ために with 意志動詞(volitional verb) and ように with 無意志動詞 (non-volitional verb). Since 意志動詞 is about thing you can control and 無意志動詞 is not, ために tends to focus on thing you can work on and achieve and ように tends to focus on the things that is out of control thus you are worried about.😨

The grammatical difference is difficult to memorise, but this rule is very simple to memorise!🥳

Kazuya Suzuki

Tomo Japanese Language School


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